Friday, August 28, 2009
Posted at 3:55 PM UT
From the Ground Up
Produced and Directed by
Tamara Lynn Scott
is creating a test kitchen,
so to speak,
to create an energy self-reliant system of heating water using solar energy and a series of 5 water panels which have been located just below the position of the Dimension One Spa,
to allow passive rise of hot water into the spa and the cooler water returning to the hot water panels.
This is achieved by keeping the water in a loop system where no pumps or outside energy is needed to heat and move the water into the spa.
Temperatures are being controlled, currently, through a manual system of covering over the hot water panels during the hottest months, to prevent the water from overheating.
Dan Wilson, of Dan's Handyman Service, plumbed the heat rated, fire proof hose into the inlets and outlets of the Spa.
Visit the website for the series at
Labels: Dimension One Spa - Passive Rise Hot Water Feed - Dan's Handyman Service