Saturday, November 21, 2009
Posted at 11:22 AM UT
From the Ground Up
Creating Energy Self Reliant,
Environmentally Friendly,
Homes and Systems,
Produced and Directed by
Tamara Lynn Scott,
Features Richard's Tree Service,
located in Boulder Creek, California,
demonstrating the safe removal of trees which are dangerously looming over structures,
and are too close to remove through on the ground methods.
Airing Schedule for Segment 380 on Cable 27, Santa Cruz, California
Friday, February 5th, 2010
2 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, February 9th 2010
2 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Airing Schedule for Segment 381 on Cable 27, Santa Cruz, California
Friday, February 12th, 2010
2 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Friday, February 16th 2010
2 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Labels: From the Ground Up - Safe Tree Removal - Richards Tree Service
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Posted at 4:15 PM UT
Diamondback Filters
is participating in the series with their environmentally friendly filters for the
Dimension One Spa.
These filters only take seconds to clean opposed to up to 20 minutes for regular cartridges, saving water.
The filters use far less material than do regular cartridges, resulting in less petroleum based plastics being wasted.
Because they clean easily, similar to washing your clothing, less contamination is getting into landfills.
The inner frame and core are lifetime items, replacing only the outer skin, which can last up to 3 years.
There are no deep folded pleats in which dirt can hide.
Contact Diamondback at
Find more information on the series at
Labels: Diamondback Filters
Friday, August 28, 2009
Posted at 3:55 PM UT
From the Ground Up
Produced and Directed by
Tamara Lynn Scott
is creating a test kitchen,
so to speak,
to create an energy self-reliant system of heating water using solar energy and a series of 5 water panels which have been located just below the position of the Dimension One Spa,
to allow passive rise of hot water into the spa and the cooler water returning to the hot water panels.
This is achieved by keeping the water in a loop system where no pumps or outside energy is needed to heat and move the water into the spa.
Temperatures are being controlled, currently, through a manual system of covering over the hot water panels during the hottest months, to prevent the water from overheating.
Dan Wilson, of Dan's Handyman Service, plumbed the heat rated, fire proof hose into the inlets and outlets of the Spa.
Visit the website for the series at
Labels: Dimension One Spa - Passive Rise Hot Water Feed - Dan's Handyman Service
Posted at 3:33 PM UT
From the Ground Up
Produced and Directed by
Tamara Lynn Scott
proceeds with getting water up to the mountain top
by reactivating a generator that had been sitting and as a result,
corroding due to unused gasoline which had condensated and rusted the interior.
Dan Wilson, of Dan's Handyman Service,
repaired the generator by cleaning out all the corrosion.
The generator was tied into pre-existing wiring to the well pump, and is now being used to pump water up the mountain and into the Dimension One Spa, along with a few extra 55 gallon water storage barrels which are used to replenish water lost to evaporation.
Large pieces of 4 by 12 lumber is being used to create a platform for the water barrels next to the hot tub, to allow gravity feed water into the spa.
Visit the website
for more information on the series.
Labels: Generator Repair - Dan's Handyman Service
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Posted at 5:18 PM UT
Handyman Dan is shown here cutting a plate glass window to repair a solar photovoltaic panel shattered during shipping.
The glass will be adhered to the panels with adhesive to prevent moisture from shorting out the panel.

Labels: Glass cutting to repair fractured Solar Panels
Monday, June 01, 2009
Posted at 3:39 PM UT
From the Ground Up
Produced and Directed
Tamara Lynn Scott
Dan Wilson
of Dan's Handyman Services,
demonstrating creative usages for
recycled composite cabinets, here being
recreated into an enclosure box
to help protect a portable generator from mouse and rodent ingress
when the generator is
not in use.
Please visit the website at
for more information on the series.
Visit the Master Website:
for all programming available through the producer.
Labels: Creating with Recycled Materials - Dan Wilson
Monday, May 25, 2009
Posted at 8:43 AM UT
From the Ground Up
Creating Energy Self-Reliant,
Environmentally Friendly,
Homes and Systems
Produced and Directed
Tamara Lynn Scott
Visits Bills Bike Repair
for some discussions on bike repair and maintenance, as well as a taste of theatrical and musical elements of Bill and his associates.
Come along for the fun and learn a bit on how to keep your bike in working order.
Airing Schedule for Segment 367 on Cable 27 - Santa Cruz
Friday, November 6th,
2:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M.
Tuesday, November 10th,
2:00 A.M. and 5:30 P.M.
DVD copies of these Broadcasts are available through the Producer at
Please visit the series website at
for more information.
Please visit the Master Broadcast website for all programming and series available through the Producer at
Copyright 2009 Tamara Lynn Scott

Labels: From the Ground Up - Environmentally Friendly Transportation - Bills Bike Repair
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Posted at 3:54 PM UT
Artists of Santa Cruz
is participating in the Broadcast Cable Series
From the Ground Up
by providing the casts of body forms
created by ceramic artist, Richard Smith,
who has finished with these plaster molds
and who is making them available for the
Temple to the Arts being created in the series.
From the Ground Up.
The forms are shown here laid out on recycled pieces of metal roofing, so none of the exterior paint being used to coat the molds goes to waste.
The Paint is recycled paint available from the local landfills, and is being used to stiffen up the molds, protect them from moisture, and will be getting several more applications of various colors to allow them a more appealing and protected surface.
They will be on-hand for the next concrete project, currently being planned to create a pad for the Dimension One Spa, so as not to have any cement wasted.
Once the molds have been filled with cement,
they will be positioned about the gardens and roadway access as sculptural forms which can be embedded into retaining walls or as stand alone art.
Shown here is a form of the artist, Tamara Lynn Scott,
which she painted in the fire tones of yellow, red, and white, to be utilized as mosaic in the fire circle currently underway.
Please visit the website for more information on the series:
and the series, Artists of Santa Cruz at
Produced and Directed by
Tamara Lynn Scott
Labels: Artists of Santa Cruz - Body Form Sculpture
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Posted at 6:03 PM UT
Water has returned to the mountain top with the help of Dan Wilson, shown here at the water's first run up into a Dimension One Arena Spa being featured in the series.
A Grundfos pump pushed the water up a 500 foot deep well, and with the help of a generator, successfully pushed water up another 200 feet of rise to the mountain top.
Dan Wilson laid in a patchwork of 1 inch PVC pipe which was tied into the previously existing buried pipeline to bring the water to the tub.
Stay tuned as the water will soon be circulating through solar heated hot water panels in a passive closed loop system that will allow the natural heat of the water to lift it into the tub, a system which requires no pumps.
Labels: Water on the Mountain Top - Dan Wilson
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Posted at 10:11 PM UT
From the Ground Up
Creating Energy Self-Reliant,
Environmentally Friendly,
Homes and Systems,
Produced and Directed
Tamara Lynn Scott
Visits Las Animas Concrete
in Santa Cruz, California,
for a visit with owner,
Scott French,
and Larry Busch,
to take a tour of the concrete making facility,
which features computerized colorization equipment.
Components of creating concrete, and molds for utilizing left over concrete are discussed.
We also visit the building supply shop of Las Animas, and take a look at innovative flooring, wall colorization, and molded tables and bowls which utilize a concrete based, elastic product we'll be re-visiting for demonstrations in a following segment.
Airing Schedule for Segment 358
Cable 27 - Santa Cruz, California
Friday, September 4th
2 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, September 8th
2 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Las Animas is located at 146 Encinal Street in Santa Cruz.
Visit the website for the series at:
Visit the Master Broadcast Series of Tamara Lynn Scott at
DVD copies of these broadcasts are available through the Producer, Scott Com, at
copyright 2009 Tamara Lynn Scott

Labels: From the Ground Up - SEGMENT 358 - Las Animas Concrete
Monday, April 27, 2009
Posted at 7:53 PM UT
From the Ground Up
Creating Energy Self Reliant,
Environmentally Friendly,
Homes and Systems
Produced and Directed
Tamara Lynn Scott
Dan Wilson
conducting testing on a variety of Photovoltaic Panels in preparation for the hook up of Grundfos deep well pump capable of being run directly from Solar Panels, making it the choice pump for the series, and for remote water pumping applications.
The Grundfos control panel was opened to check for wiring sizing.
Tests were conducted to see if the pump could be run off the power generated by a normal automobile battery, which did not have adequate amps to keep the pump running.
There was not enough power being supplied from one 130 watt solar Panel to activate the pump.
Next up will be configuring 5 130 watt solar panels in the 48 volt Xantrex Inverter and 8 Deca Gel Cell batteries that comprise the main power system to determine if the main system is adequate to power the water pumping from a 500 foot deep well, up the mountain to a water holding tank, and then up to the building site and water holding tank which will then feed a hot tub, and radiant tube heated floor of the Octagonal cement slab foundation, as well as additional holding tanks for solar heated shower and bath.
Please visit the website at
copyright 2009 Tamara Lynn Scott
Labels: From the Ground Up - Solar Testing with Dan Wilson
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Posted at 9:44 AM UT
From the Ground Up
Produced and Directed
Tamara Lynn Scott
continues its preparation of the mountain top to receive a passive rising, closed loop system of solar water heating panels which are first being removed from the previous rack set up, which had been positioned facing south on the uppermost bank location, hanging precipitously and crowded too near the driveway.
Shown here is the collapsing rack, panels, and the body form sculpture with a view to the south , all to be moved.
The weathered wooden rack has been disassembled. The wood holding it for 15 years is now being moved over the fire circle where it will be utilized as evening tinder,cooking fuel, and light, to assist in the burning of the multitudinous scrap branches from trees and bushes being cleared where the new positioning of the Solar Panel Rack will be achieved, in a more roomy environment, below the anticipated location for the Dimension One Hot Tub.
Spring cleaning of the slope and the driveway interior radius below it, has made the slope now open for possible planting of lower to the ground, Pinot Noir vines, or Agave, or jade plants, heat resistent, and/or food producing.
Removing the debris has widened the driveway back to original form, and increased by 3 feet or more, usable driving surface.
Dan Wilson is being featured in the disassembly and reconstruction of the solar heated hot water panel racking, shown here in a western oriented view, with 3 foot by 8 foot glassed recycled solar water panels stacked to be re-utilized in a new rack and location.
Please visit the website:
Copyright 2009 Tamara Lynn Scott
Labels: Solar Heated Hot Water Panels - Recycled