Saturday, August 23, 2008
Posted at 7:56 PM UT
From the Ground Up
Creating Energy Self Reliant,
Environmentally Friendly,
Homes and Systems
Welcomes into the Series
the Tulsi- Hybrid Solar Oven,
The Global Sun Oven,
and the CooKit, a simple lightweight construction of cardboard and reflective foil.
all Solar Ovens which utilize the everyday power
of the sun to eliminate the need for other fuels in
preparing nutrient rich meals that require little
Food does not burn, and does not require stirring
or tending. Clean up is easy.
Water can be pasteurized,
Meats, Grains, Deserts, and almost every kind of
food, and recipe with the exception of deep
frying, can be prepared, saving the world energy,
time, fuel, pollution, injury, and in the case of
water purification, life itself.
These portable ovens can be moved outdoors
when in use, and stored easily when not.
Look for the upcoming segments demonstrating
the set up and cooking results with these three
ovens in the series, " From the Ground Up" ,
where we are helping to teach the world how to
live energy self-reliant lives.
Use the power of the sun!
The original, and best source of slow, moderate
cooking that does not destroy the nutrients of
our food, nor adversely affect our environment,
or budget, in any way.

Labels: SOLAR Ovens